Ministry Accounts

The following accounts administered by Legacy Deo are eligible to receive contributions at any time. To make a donation online, select the “Donate” link then type either the account name or number in the “Description” field.

If you do not know the exact name or account (ID) number, the list below is an alphabetical reference. Accounts established by congregations, organizations, and schools are listed by their city of location. All cities are in Texas unless noted otherwise. Use the dropdown arrows to filter the list by type and location.

Filtering Tips:

  • Select account type first, then location
  • Use no more than one parameter at a time within each filter
  • Clear the parameter before filtering on another
  • Hints on clearing filters
    • To remove a filter, click on the X above the search from that drop down
    • To reset both filters, click on Reset Filters below selections

Click X Next to Fund Type

Click Reset Filters to Clear Filter

Type Location Account Name ID